Medicaid Application Instructions

The State of Virginia has ensured that every Virginian can choose between the ways that are convenient to them.

There are three ways to apply for the Medicaid in Virginia. You can find all the details regarding each procedure below:

Apply on Phone

To apply for Medicaid in Virginia, you need to contact Cover Virginia (official State website that handles Medicaid) at 1-855-242-8282. The operational hours are Mon — Fri 8 AM to 7 PM, and Sat 9 AM to 12 PM.

Apply Online

You can also apply online by going to the official website of State of Virginia by clicking here.

You will need to fill out an online form that is available on the main page.

For further assistance regarding applying online, you can contact on the Toll-Free number 1-855-635-4370.

Apply in Person

You can also apply in person by downloading the online PDF form by clicking here. Print the PDF document and submit it to the Department of Social Services Virginia.

If you need further assistance with Medicaid in Virginia, use this link to search your nearest state office.

Eligibility Requirements

The health insurance plan in Virginia provides you with an easy-to-understand procedure through which you can determine whether or not you or your household individuals can apply for the Medicaid.

The latest Income guidelines for Virginia Medicaid are in effect from January 25, 2016; in which there are plans for pregnant women and children.

Also, there is eligibility for the adults who were enrolled in Foster Care youth and were receiving Medicaid at the time of their 18th birthday and are below 26 years of age. For better understanding, please click here to view the PDF document that enlists the eligibility criteria.