WIC Application Instructions
If you meet the WIC eligibility guidelines above, do not hesitate to visit your local WIC agency. You can look up for your nearest WIC office online by clicking here. WIC applicants must apply in person along with any children under 5.
To avoid delays, take the following items with you when you apply for WIC:
- Proof of income
- Proof of Identity for you and your children
- Proof of Residency
- If pregnant, you will need a doctor's note as proof of your pregnancy
- For young children, immunization records may be requried
There are no short cuts for WIC application; you will be required to meet with a WIC representative who will help you fill out a basic application form. Once you are through with the paperwork weight and height measurements are taken. Blood sample may be drawn to test for anemia.
You will finally be required to meet with a nutritionist who will ask you questions about you and your kids' diet. Suggestions will be made on how to change and shop for wholesome foods.Eligibility Requirements
In order to apply for Arizona WIC, applicants should be be a resident of Arizona and meet the following requirements:
Income Requirements
Family of 1: Gross income must be less than $20,036 annually, $1,670 monthly and $386 weekly
Family of 2: Gross income must be less than $26,955 annually, $2,247 monthly and $519 weekly
Family of 3: Gross income must be less than $33,874 annually, $2,823 monthly and $652 weekly
Family of 4: Gross income less than $40,793 annually, $3,400 monthly and $785 weekly
Applicants should be either pregnant, breastfeeding or have at least one child that is five years old or younger. Applicants must also be declared nutritiionally deficient after a free examination from a WIC clinic.
Assesment Guidelines
A health care expert from the state health department usually assesses the applicants before any payments are made to them. This assessment is aimed at determining both the medical and nutritional requirements of mothers and their children and the benefits which are entitled to them.
Duration Rules
WIC grants are supposed to be only for a short time only with individuals normally receiving payments for between 6 and 12 months. This depends on the state of the applicant; for instance, if the applicant is expectant, breastfeeding or is a child or infant. When the specific period of assistance is over, applicants are allowed to re-apply in case they feel they are still qualified to receive further assistance under this program.
WIC agencies are not able to serve all the WIC eligible applicants owing to insufficient funds. This is according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's website. It is a requirement that each state agency keeps a waiting list of all applicants and gives assistance which is based on a method that gives priority to funding those who are the neediest. These categories comprises of women or children who are living far below the poverty line and are vulnerable to health problems because of poor nutrition, and also women and children who have low blood counts or those applicants with a history of medical complications during their pregnancy terms.