Alaska WAP Application Information

The Alaska Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) is a program that complements other energy assistance programs in the state by encouraging energy conservation amongst low-income families in the state. By encouraging energy conservation, the program is able to help these household increase their energy utilization efficiency and ultimately lower the proportion of income spent on settling energy related utility bills.

Some of the services provided by the Alaska Weatherization Assistance Program include:

  • Replacement of broken windows in the homes of eligible households

  • Installation of caulk , weather strip doors and windows where necessary

  • Installation of storm windows , thermostats and furnace tune-ups to boost energy efficiency

  • Insulation of ceilings , walls and floors to prevent accelerated heat loss in the home

  • Implementation of safety measures needed prior to the weatherization of the home

In order to qualify for the Alaska Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), applicants must meet a set of eligibility requirements. These eligibility requirements are mainly based on the household income, area of residence and participatory status in other social service programs, such as receiving aid for families with children and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

If you meet the basic eligibility requirements for the Alaska Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), you should go ahead and apply for participation in the program. Applying for participation is a fairly easy process all you need to do is to contact your local Alaska WAP agency, where you will fill an application and will be evaluated for eligibility by a program representative.

Upon successful completion of the application process, you will start receiving the benefits of the Alaska WAP.

Eligibility Requirements

In order to qualify for the Alaska Weatherization assistance Program (WAP), applicants need to meet a set of program eligibility requirements. These program eligibility requirements are based on applicant’s household income, area of residence and participation in other social service programs.

Alaska Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)-Income Eligibility Requirements

In order to qualify for the Alaska WAP, applicants need to have an income that is less than or equal to the specified income maximum depending on the household. These income guidelines are based on the gross income before tax and are available on this link (Alaska WAP Income Eligibility Guidelines)

Alaska Weatherization Assistance program (WAP) - Residential Eligibility Requirements

Applicants to the Alaska Weatherization Assistance Program must be residents of the locality from which they are applying for, and should either be US nationals or registered legal aliens.

Participation in Other Social Service Programs

Applicants for the Alaska Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) who are either receiving Aid for families with children, or are participating in other social service programs such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are considered automatically eligible for the program.

WAP Application Instructions

Applying for the Alaska WAP is a fairly easy process, all one needs to do is to contact their local Alaska WAP agency, and setup an appointment for an interview.

During the interview the applicant will fill an application form, provide documentation and answer several oral questions aimed at determining their eligibility to the program. A list of Alaska WAP local agencies is available on this link (Alaska WAP Local Area Agencies)

Upon successful completion of the process, you will start receiving the benefits of the Alaska Weatherization Assistance program (WAP).