Arizona WAP Application Information

The Arizona Weatherization Assistance Program is a program that helps to encourage energy conservation in the state of Arizona. The program achieves this by:

  • By protecting the homes of low-income homes from the impact of the elements

  • Helping low-income households reduce their energy consumption and optimize their energy efficiency

  • Help low-income Arizona households reduce their overall energy costs

Since its introduction the Arizona Weatherization Assistance program has helped increase the energy efficiency and reduce the overall energy costs of poor families in the state of Arizona. This helps free the income of these households and enables them to pay for other bills.

In order to qualify for the Arizona WAP program, applicants need to meet a set of eligibility requirements. These eligibility requirements are based on the applicant’s household income, area of residence and participation in other social service programs.

If you meet the basic program eligibility requirements, you should go ahead and apply for participation in the program. Applying for the Arizona WAP program is a fairly easy process; all you need to do is to locate your nearest Arizona and book an appointment with a program representative.

Upon successful competition of the process, you will start receiving the program benefits which include:

  • Automated energy audits using advance diagnostic equipments to determine the most viable and cost effective methods of implementing energy efficiency in your home

  • Some of the measures used to implement energy efficiency in the home include: installation of insulation material on the walls, floors and attic, reduction of imbalances in air filtration and pressure, repairing and replacing ducts in the home, replacing any broken windows and doors, implementation of health and safety measures in the home.

Eligibility Requirements

In order to be eligible for the Arizona WAP, applicants need to meet a set of eligibility requirements. These eligibility requirements are based on the income, residence and the applicant's participatory status in other social service programs.

Arizona WAP- Income Eligibility Requirements

In order to qualify for the Arizona WAP applicants must have an income that is either equal to or less than the specified income maximum depending on the household size. These income eligibility guidelines are highlighted on this link: (Arizona WAP Income Guidelines)

Arizona WAP –Residential Eligibility Requirements

Applicants to the Arizona WAP must be residents of the state of Arizona and US nationals or registered legal aliens.

Participation in Other Social Service Programs

Families receiving child support aid or participating in other social service programs, such as Social Security Income (SSI).

WAP Application Instructions

Applying for the Arizona WAP is a fairly easy process. All you need to do is to fill out an application and submit it to your local Arizona WAP agency along with the required documents. It should be noted that the Arizona WAP does not accept applications at the state level, rather it accepts them at the community level through the agencies available on this link at the bottom of the page.

Some of the important documents required for application are highlighted here. (Arizona WAP important application documents).

Upon successful completion of the application process you will start receiving the program benefits. If you have any questions or queries, you can contact a local program representative, using the contact information available on Arizona's WAP Important Contact Information page.