Maryland Medicaid Application Information
How to Apply for Medicaid
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Medicaid provides medial cover for low-income as well as medically needy individuals. Families with children under the age of 21 and pregnant women can also receive benefits under Medicaid. Moreover, elderly, blind, and disabled can qualify for Medicaid if they meet income and resources guidelines. Medicaid also provides necessary medical coverage to aliens.
If receiving aid through Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you will automatically qualify to receive benefits under Medicaid. Similarly, those receiving aid through Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) will also be automatically enrolled for Medicaid without having to file separate application.
If you meet Medicaid eligibility, you will have to apply for Medicaid benefits (other than those receiving benefits under SSI or TCA program). You can apply online through SAIL or choose to apply in person by visiting local Department of Social Services. You can also apply for Medicaid through mail. Dial 1-80-456-8900 to receive application through mail.
To receive benefits under Medicaid, one has to provide a proof of identity, social security number, proof of income and resources. Any applications without such documents will be incomplete for the purpose of Medicaid.
Types of Medical Coverage Provided
Families and Children (FAC)
Families and children under the age of 21 can receive benefits through Medicaid. Parents and other caretakers will also be able to receive benefits under Medicaid if they are taking care of eligible children.
Maryland Children's Health Insurance Plan (MCHP)
For children under the age of 19 and pregnant women, MCHP provides health care. However, individuals will have meet income and resources level in order to qualify.
Aged, Blind, or Disabled (ABD)
For 65 years or older, blind, and disabled, Medicaid provides complete medical cover. However, in order to receive cover, individuals will have to meet basic income and resources criteria as required for FAC.
Long-Term Care
Individuals needing long term care such as nursing home and hospitalization, will be able to receive benefits through Medicaid. Such benefits can cater to full medical coverage or partial help depending on income level of each individual.
Services Provided
Medicaid provides a comprehensive medical insurance covering services such as doctor visits, hospital visits, dental and vision care, mental health, ambulance services, and even long-term services.
Click here to view a complete list of services covered under the program.
Eligibility Requirements
In order to apply for Medicaid, individuals will have to meet certain eligibility criteria. Only then they will be able to receive medical cover under this program.
Eligibility for Medicaid will be re-determined after 12 months. However, it can be re-determined after six months in case of 'spenddown'. Those receiving Medicaid because of being medically needy will usually have an eligibility review within six months.
General Eligibility
- Must be a U.S. citizen or a qualified alien
- Must be a resident of Maryland
- Aged, disabled, blind or pregnant
- Must have income at or below Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) level
- Must have resources/assets below $2,000 for a household with one member
Families and Children
Families and children that meet all the requirements for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) will be able to receive benefits through Medicaid.
In order to meet TCA qualifications, earned income should be below TCA benefit level. The TCA income level varies with the number of people in household.
Similarly, individuals and households will have to meet criteria for assets to receive benefits under TCA and Medicaid. For a household of one person, the assets should not increase $2,000.
Families and children not applying for TCA but meeting all the requirements will be able to receive benefits under Medicaid when they apply. Similarly, those who have lost their TCA eligibility due to one of the following will also be able to receive benefits under Medicaid.
- Change in earning or hours of employment
- Increase in collections through child support
- Lost TCA benefits because beneficiary quit a job without any good reason
- Failure to stay compliant with TCA work guideline
- Receiving aid through Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) program
- Those receiving assistance through RCA losing their eligibility due to earnings or work hours
- Refugees with income below 200% of federal poverty level but not qualifying for RCA
Medicaid is available for qualifying aliens. Qualified aliens other than refugees and asylees entering the U.S before August 22, 1996 will be able to qualify for Medicaid. However, qualified aliens entering after this date will have to reside in the U.S for five years before they start receiving benefits under Medicaid program.
A qualified alien is a person who is either:
- A refugee
- Permanent U.S resident
- Certain deported aliens
- Aliens on parole by INS
- Aliens granted entry before 1980 under immigration laws; or
- An alien serving U.S Armed Forces
Aged, blind and disabled
Individuals receiving SSI benefits due to old age, blindness, or disability will be able to receive benefits under Medicaid as well. Similarly, those individuals who have lost their SSI eligibility due to increase in their cost of living will be able to qualify for Medicaid.
Aged, blind, and disabled individuals, who have qualified for ABD Medically Needy or ABD Spenddown, will be able to receive benefits under Medicaid. However, such individuals will have to meet income and asset standards for medically needy.
Those receiving benefits under Public Assistance to Adults (PAA) will automatically be enrolled for Medicaid.
Individuals and families with private insurance
Even if you have private insurance, you can qualify for Medicaid. If you meet all the requirements for Medicaid program, you will receive cover for any areas left uncovered by your private insurance. Even the areas partially covered will be completely covered under Medicaid.
Medicaid Application Instructions
In order to receive benefits under Medicaid, you will have to apply for the program. Those receiving benefits under SSI and TCA will be enrolled for Medicaid automatically.
If you don't receive benefits under TCA or SSI, you will have to file an application to know whether you qualify or not. Here is how you can apply for Medicaid.
Apply Online
Click here to begin an Online Medicaid Application through SAIL.
Apply in Person
In order to apply in person, you will be required to file an application with your Local Department of Social Services. You can find a list of departments in different counties by clicking here. Once you have the application, you will be required to return it in person or by mail after you complete it in all respects. You can download application by clicking HERE.
Apply by Mail
You can dial 1-800-456-8900 and ask for application to be sent through mail. You can send it back once it is completed.