Nebraska WIC Application Information

The Nebraska WIC is an initiative by the state of Nebraska that provides supplemental foods, nutritional education and healthcare referrals to low-income, pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women, infants and children at no cost. Since its introduction, the program has helped promote proper nutrition and health among infants and children, something that has effectively reduced the infant mortality rate in the state.

Some of the benefits enjoyed by members of the Nebraska WIC program include:

  • Free supplemental food
  • Access to breastfeeding information
  • Free nutritional education
  • Free health care referrals
  • Immunization services for infants and children

In order to qualify for the Nebraska WIC program, applicants must meet a set of eligibility requirements. These requirements are mainly income, residential and categorical in nature. An additional requirement is that all the applicants need to be medically tested and proven to be nutritionally at risk by a healthcare specialist. The medial examination services are provided free of charge to all the applicants of the program. Applying to the Nebraska WIC program is a fairly easy and convenient process.

Eligibility Requirements

In order to qualify for the Nebraska WIC program, you must meet a specified set of eligibility requirements. These requirements are mainly categorical, Income, residential and medical in nature and are discussed below.

Categorical Eligibility Requirements

In order to qualify for the Nebraska WIC program one must fall into a specific category and satisfy the individual categorical eligibility requirements. Under these requirements the following individuals are considered eligible for the Nebraska WIC program:


In order to be eligible to the program, women should be:

  • Undergoing pregnancy or be within 6 months after the birth of an infant
  • Be postpartum after six months after the birth of an infant or at the end of the pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding up to the infants first birthdays


Infants should be under one year of age.


Children should be under six years of age.

Residential Eligibility Requirements

Applicants to the Nebraska WIC program should be US nationals or legal aliens who have resided in the state of Nebraska for more than five years. Additionally the applicants should be residents of the local area to which they apply to.

Nebraska WIC Income Eligibility Requirements

In order to be eligible for the Nebraska WIC program, applicants must meet a set of income eligibility requirements as specified on the following link:

It should however be noted that applicants who are already enrolled to TANF, Medicaid ,SNAP or any other general assistance program qualify automatically for income eligibility and do not need to undergo the income test.

Medical Examination Requirements

All applicants to the Nebraska WIC program need t be examined by a healthcare professional and proven to be nutritionally at risk. In its strictest context" nutritional risk" means that the individual has a medical-based or dietary-based condition.

In order to establish your eligibility status for the Nebraska WIC program, you can use the pr-screening tool available on this link:

WIC Application Instructions

Applying for the Nebraska WIC program is fairly easy. All you need to do is to locate your nearest Nebraska WIC clinic available on this link:

You should then call or visit this local clinic in order to schedule an appointment. The appointments involves a meeting with a program representative who will interview you by asking a set of questions aimed at establishing your eligibility to the program and verify your documents, you should thus remember to carry your important documents such as identification cards, recent bank statements and social security number.

Upon successful competition of the process, you will start enjoying the benefits of the Nebraska WIC programs.

You can use the contact information available at this link: