New Jersey Unemployment Application Information

The state of New Jersey unemployment insurance program is a state sponsored program that provides temporary cash assistance to unemployed workers, who are currently looking for employment opportunities. The program has proven to be an invaluable tool that helps families and individual that has been affected by temporary unemployment make the transition to employment.

In order to qualify for this program one needs to meet specified set eligibility requirements which are mainly centered on residence, citizenry and the mount of individual or family income during the last employment.

Once you have established that you meet the set of eligibility requirements you should proceed and apply for the program.

Eligibility Requirements

In order to qualify for the program you need to meet a set of specified eligibility requirements which include:

  • In order to qualify for the program you need to have worked In the state of New Jersey for the last 12-18 months
  • You should be a resident of New Jersey and a citizen of the US or a legal alien
  • You should have earned a certain minimum amount of wages during you r last period of active employment. These wage guidelines are available at this link:
  • You should be willing to work or be available for work in the period that you are collecting the New Jersey Unemployment Benefits Insurance benefits

Unemployment Application Instructions

There are three main application avenues for the New Jersey unemployment insurance program, these are:

  • Filling out a paper application
  • Filling an online application, and
  • Seeking application assistance and requesting for application forms via phone

To avoid errors in your application, you are advised to use an application method that you are most comfortable with. These three application methods are discussed below:

Filling out a Paper Application

You can decide to fill out a paper application by collecting an application form from your local department of Human Services offices. By visiting these offices you will not only be able to collect an application form , but you also get the opportunity to talk to a New Jersey unemployment Insurance program representative who will guide you through the application process. These representatives have a wealth of knowledge concerning the application and are useful in giving you advice concerning the application.;jses

Once you have obtained the forms and have spoken to a New Jersey Unemployment Insurance program representative, you should proceed to fill the application form, making sure that you provide responses for each of the questions asked n the form. After filling out the application form you should submit the application form by leaving it with the program representative or sending it via mail through the contact information available at this link:

After submitting the application you will wait for it to be processed. Upon successful processing you will immediately start enjoying the benefits of the New Jersey unemployment insurance program.

Online Application

A more convenient application method is filing out an online application form. This method is more convenient since all you need is a computer and a reliable internet connection. You can access the New Jersey Unemployment Insurance program online application form by visiting the following link:

Another advantage of the online application process is that you can stop filling the application at a particular point and pick up from where you left the next time you go online.

Getting Application Assistance Via Phone

Another convenient way of requesting for an application form to be sent to you or asking for application assistance is by calling a New Jersey Unemployment Insurance representative through the following toll free numbers depending on your location:

Union City (Serves Northeast New Jersey): 201-601-4100

Freehold (Serves Northwest and Central New Jersey): 732-761-2020

Cumberland (Serves South Jersey): 856-507-2340

If you have questions, please call: 609-292-7162